
Sell your music on most popular digital platforms around the world, including iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play, Amazon, Spotify and many other stores. Retain 100% control of your rights
What we offer?
Free distribution
No advance fee for distribution to any digital store, we work for a fixed percentage of sales
Delivery to all popular stores
Fast release delivery to all top digital stores, including iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon, Spotify, Google Play, Deezer, VK Music, BOOM, Yandex Music, etc.
Free UPC and ISRC codes
Barcodes for releases and tracks are provided free of charge if needed
Automatically created release pages
After your release is delivered to digital stores, we automatically create a BandLink release page with all links
Monthly Accounting
Monthly reports on streams and downloads generated by your releases
Regular Payments
Fast money transfer after reaching a minimum threshold in revenues
How it works?
Fill in release information
Fill in all required fields in the release description
Upload tracks
Upload your release to a file hosting site (Dropbox, Google Drive, Yandex Disk, etc.) and provide a download link in the release description
Pass the review
Submit your release for review to our content managers and wait for approval
Get your release in stores
After it is approved, the release will be sent to digital stores, where it will appear within a few days
More questions?
Getting started with BandLink Distribution is easy. An intuitive interface and simple settings simplify submitting a release and help set up marketing tools to increase streams and downloads — detailed instructions here!
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